Nuru massage originated from Japan in the city of Kawasaki. It originated in the late 50’s. This technique requires a Nuru masseuse to rub entire body against the receiver’s body. The user are covered in bathrob and odourless massage lotion, known as Nuru gel. This gel is made from seaweed and it does not cause any kind of allergic reactions.
Even the word ‘Nuru’ originated from the Japanese language and it means smooth or slippery.
Today, Nuru massage is extremely popular in Mumbai and other parts of the world and you can find agencies providing this service.
Nuru massage originated from Japan in the city of Kawasaki. It originated in the late 50’s. This technique requires a Nuru masseuse to rub entire body against the receiver’s body. The user are covered in bathrob and odourless massage lotion, known as Nuru gel. This gel is made from seaweed and it does not cause any kind of allergic reactions.
Even the word ‘Nuru’ originated from the Japanese language and it means smooth or slippery. Today, Nuru massage is extremely popular in Mumbai and other parts of the world and you can find agencies providing this service.