Deep tissue massage is a type of massage therapy or therapeutic massage. The primary target of most massage techniques are the muscles and connective tissues, including tendons and fascia. Deep tissue massage therapy targets the deeper muscles and fascia.
Fascia connects, stabilizes, strengthens and separates soft tissues. There are four types of fascia—superficial, deep, visceral and parietal. Visceral fascia surrounds organs. Parietal fascia lines body cavities. Superficial fascia is just under the skin and separates it from fat and muscles that are close to the surface. Deep fascia surrounds deeper muscles, bones, nerves, and blood vessels.
Deep tissue massage is a type of massage therapy or therapeutic massage. The primary target of most massage techniques are the muscles and connective tissues, including tendons and fascia. Deep tissue massage therapy targets the deeper muscles and fascia.
Fascia connects, stabilizes, strengthens and separates soft tissues. There are four types of fascia—superficial, deep, visceral and parietal. Visceral fascia surrounds organs. Parietal fascia lines body cavities. Superficial fascia is just under the skin and separates it from fat and muscles that are close to the surface. Deep fascia surrounds deeper muscles, bones, nerves, and blood vessels.